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Boost your English

Do you feel brave enough to go to camp in England, but preferably in a small group with other people of your age? Then this intensive language immersion camp in a typically British atmosphere is perfect for you. You will be alternating language workshops with some sports, creative workshops and cool recreational activities. And you'll explore London and the coastal city of Brighton!


  • Practice your English in a relaxed atmosphere with other young people of your age
  • Three language labs each day
  • Cool workshops and themed days. A random selection of possible examples: American or British Day, International Day and Fright Night.
  • Learn loads at the intercultural workshops, just like the older group that will be staying at the same place 
  • Have fun during the relaxing, creative afternoon activities 


You will explore London in small groups, and everyone will get to have their say about the programme: a walk to see the tourist attractions, a boat trip, a visit to the British Museum, a café terrace or some shopping. Sounds great, right?

You will also visit Brighton, a lovely coastal city with its famous Brighton Pier, a pebble beach, plenty of history and lots of cool shops. 

Roeland Classic – full immersion

The Roeland Classic sticks closely to Roeland’s well-known formula for success. Participants are fully immersed in the target language and are expected to speak only the target language throughout. The team consists of people who are either native speakers and/or speak the target language very well. They will do everything in their power to help you to express yourself more fluently in the target language. There is no shame in making mistakes, it is part of the process – we just want you to try your best! For the language workshops, you will be divided into small groups according to your level. These classic camps are perfect for anyone who wants to make huge progress while having lots of fun. By the end of camp, you will even find yourself dreaming in the target language!

Are you unsure whether this is the correct type for you? Contact info@roeland.be or call us at +32 (0)9 221 60 44.

Coach transport

Coach transport is not included in the basic price and amounts to 145 euros (return).


In Sutton Town you will learn English in a real English private school with extensive lawns and outstanding sports grounds for cricket, rugby, hockey, athletics, football, tennis and more, as well an as obstacle course. There is also a large sports hall and a fantastic indoor swimming pool. Artistic workshops take place in the music hall or theatre.

You will stay in single rooms (there are also some double and multiple rooms, depending on the accommodation block where we will be staying). There are showers and toilets on each floor and in the sports hall.


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