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Survie et aventure

Is there a hidden adventurer in you? Do you like to go exploring in nature? Our coaches will go with you on a voyage of discovery into the world of survival techniques. Can you make your own campfire? Can you find your way without a smartphone? We will put you to the test!


You and the coaches will go in search of the best survival techniques, and this theme also features as much as possible during the language labs and workshops. Together we will ensure that it is enjoyable, active camp – with some quieter activities thrown in, of course.


Experience adventure on challenging excursions: we will choose exciting activities such as kayaking or a treetop adventure course. We will also go on an amazing two-day trip, spending the night in tents.

Roeland Classic – full immersion

The Roeland Classic sticks closely to Roeland’s well-known formula for success. Participants are fully immersed in the target language and are expected to speak only the target language throughout. The team consists of people who are either native speakers and/or speak the target language very well. They will do everything in their power to help you to express yourself more fluently in the target language. There is no shame in making mistakes, it is part of the process – we just want you to try your best! For the language workshops, you will be divided into small groups according to your level. These classic camps are perfect for anyone who wants to make huge progress while having lots of fun. By the end of camp, you will even find yourself dreaming in the target language! 

In doubt about your language level or not quite sure which camp is right for you? Contact us at info@roeland.be!


Virton is een gezellig klein stadje in de Gaumestreek. Je logeert op een mooie kamplocatie met veel open ruimte, midden in een groene omgeving. Er is een groot plein met twee gymzalen en sportterreinen waar je kan voetballen, hockeyen, basketballen, volleyballen, baseballen ...

Je logeert in individuele of 2-persoonskamers.

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